domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

30 Days to Learn C#: New Premium Course

We’re pleased to announce our latest Tuts+ Premium course: “30 Days to Learn C#.” My aim is to introduce you to the C# language (and a tiny bit of the .NET Framework), and give you a clear understanding of the fundamentals needed to start writing applications in C#.

All I ask for is a few minutes of your time each day for a month.

This is by no means a fully exhaustive look at the language, but I will get you familiar with the language and platform. I won’t lie; some of the material is easier to grasp if you have some programming background. But I do try to explain things from the standpoint of a complete beginner. So even if you haven’t programmed before, I hope you’ll find my explanations of programming concepts and fundamentals understandable.

All I ask is for a few minutes of your time each day for a month. Most lessons are between ten and fifteen minutes. Naturally, some are shorter and some are longer, but I promise none go over 31 minutes!

Ready to become a better programmer?

Tuts+ Premium

The recently re-launched Tuts+ Premium is a service that provides top-tier training in a variety of creative fields. Whether you prefer books, visual training, or in depth tutorials, we have you covered. While we unfortunately can’t afford to provide the service for free, it’s only $19 a month – less than you’d spend on dinner.

I hope you’ll consider checking it out! In addition to learning a huge variety of new skills, it’s also a fantastic way to say thank you to Nettuts+.

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